Friday, June 12, 2009

Before I was a mom

For all you mom's out you remember when you were single, unencumbered, not responsible for another human being's life? Did you also accomplish NOTHING all day long like I did. I would swear back then that I had absolutely NO TIME to do anything. Between going out drinking, sleeping it off, fending off the hangover and barely being able to get up before 11 am I would have been hard pressed to be asked to do the things after 11 am that I can now accomplish before 8 am. I remember being too busy to go to the gym...yeah, because I had, what? To sleep? Too lazy was more like it! That's not to say I was a total slacker. Before I became a mom I went to school, got my Master's degree, and worked at least 2 jobs at a time. Plus, did I mention the going out and drinking? I had my hobbies which included dog agility with my poor neglected puppies who used to be "just like children" to me (I'm embarrassed I was ever that person!) But goodness! Now, I can get myself up, showered, dressed, fed, 4 dogs fed and pottied, one child up, snuggled, fed, read to, played with, showered, dressed, at least 3 times on the potty with sticker rewards and lunch packed, sippy cup filled and blankie found all before 8 am when we leave for work/daycare. If you had asked me before to do all that I would have laughed. And after work? Dinner, playing, reading, doing puzzles, remember to fill doggie water dishes, feeding dogs, letting them potty, remembering to pet each one, and then have to clean up and do bedtime routine. And between day!

I suppose what I'm trying to say is, for all you mom's out there reading this post..KUDOS! We all deserve a fucking medal!

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