Thursday, June 11, 2009

5 Questions about me....

My good friend posted this challenge on her blog. I decided this was a great way to jump start myself back into my blog which hasn't had a post since April. Honestly, I don't know how she does it (blogging daily) with three kids and I only have the one! Here goes...

1) What topic would you write your book about? friend Patty. She's hysterical, lands herself in the most unlikely situations, and cracks me up. I always tease her that I'm going to write a tell all book about her with dedicated chapters to some of our other friends and am keeping a list of stories to insert into the book. It's going to be called The Irish Princess. One of my favorite quotes from when she went to Coyote Ugly in Texas with one of our friends who injured her foot..."Hold my cane I want to dance on the bar!"

2) What is one of your guilty pleasures? honesty? I'm still sleeping with my ex-husband. There's always one thing we got right. :)

3) What are some of the things you do to get yourself out of a bad mood?

Oddly enough I cry. Not sobbing but if I'm so frustrated and everything is going wrong a bit of a cry can be cathartic. I don't cry often though. If that doesn't work and I have the opportunity then I sleep. That's been my go-to coping mechanism since a very young age. By the time you wake up things are bound to be better.

4) How long do you think it will take the U.S. Economy to get back on track?

Out of recession? 3 years. Back to the level before the housing bubble popped? 10 years. Hopefully I'm wrong about this one.

5) Do you think there is a fine line between creepy and romantic?

Uh, definitely! Romance can quickly cross over to stalkerville if done wrong. And considering that I'm a single mom and would consider someone letting me sleep in till I want in the morning and then let me kick back with my people and a diet pepsi after that to be a very romantic gesture...less is more.

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