Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Just things swirling

I watched President Obama's address to the students of America today. C-SPAN cleverly aired it right after airing Reagan and Bush 1's similar addresses to the students of America. I'm struggling to understand what all the hullabaloo was about. Seriously, what part of that was socialist propaganda? The "work hard because things won't just be given to you" part? Or the, "take advantage of the opportunities you have because those opportunities don't mean squat without effort on your part"? Or maybe it was that tired old socialist dogma "you don't know what you're good at until you try and you won't even be good at THAT without lots of practice". People have just gone nuts. I think it's a bitter pill for the right wing, good ol' boy, conservatives of the country to swallow that, not only do they not have their man pitching anymore, but *GASP* a minority is in control. That minority CLEARLY must be trying to brainwash the nation into moral turpitude and trying to undermine the very foundation this country was built upon. Seriously...it's almost funny to watch what incredibly poor sports and sore losers these people are. If this were a little league baseball game, they would be the parents the umps would have to throw out of the game because of their astonishing obnoxiousness! I had Keenan watch the President's address with me. Yes, I know he's only 2. But as soon as President Obama came on the screen he shouted the closest approximation of his name that he could muster and clapped along with the crowd. My point being, not only does Keenan recognize Dora and Diego, but he can spot the President too. I want him to form whatever memories he can of this time when a man who looked like him was President. I have "THE SPEECH" (dunh dunh dunh) on Tivo and plan to hang onto it. I don't know how it's a bad thing for any child, whether Republican, Democrat, Green, or Independent offspring, to be encouraged to work hard, stay in school, invest effort into oneself, and value education and opportunity by the leader of the free world.

Conversely, I was COMPLETELY SICKENED when I saw and heard the footage of Steven Anderson of Arizona actually preaching that Obama should die and leave his children fatherless and his wife widowed. This man is a Pastor. Aren't they the people who are supposed to teach faith and love? This is EXACTLY my problem with organized religion. They use the bible to justify whatever message of hate they're dishing and try to disguise it as righteousness and then point fingers at others and ask THEM "what would Jesus do"? Well I can damn well bet that Jesus wouldn't be advocating for fatherless children!!!! And the sheer IRONY in all of this is that he states it's because of Obama's views on abortion. Hunh. That's a head scratcher. Killing unborn children is wrong because according to the bible thumpers it interferes with G*d's plan and is a sin because it's murder. Sooooo...a PASTOR...is preaching to their flock (ever wonder why they call them that??? Baaa baaa) to kill Barack Obama. How exactly is that not murder? And a sin? I mean, I ain't GOT religion according to them, but I pretty much can assure you that my moral compass would tell me that would be...oh, wrong! I mean, really?? Seriously people.

On the lighter side...I made a KICK ASS Chicken Enchilada Casserole tonight. I shocked myself with how damn good it was. Even my ex husband (who is a chef by profession) was impressed and it KILLED him (but not in the Steven Anderson sense) to admit it. If he steals my leftovers tomorrow I'm gonna break his knee caps!

1 comment:

  1. I never understand why Pro-life people are so violent! Miss you!
