Well, it seems that everyone has a blog these days and far be it for me to be left behind! I like to be a woman in the know. So, now I have my myspace and my facebook and feel up to date on the online social scene. Truth be told I probably should have started this blog when I first found out I was pregnant (knocked up really...very unexpectedly!) Those who know me know that being a mom was NEVER in my future plans. I had decided that I was too selfish, enjoyed my freedom too much, didn't see the point in overpopulating the earth and had two wonderful nephews that satisfied any kid desire I might have had. Besides, I was dog nut. Yep, I said it. A dog nut. My apologies to all my agility friends. But, let's face it, they're dogs. I still consider them "family members" and love and adore my poochies. But they're dogs. I have made a commitment to them to provide them a loving home but I no longer panic at the first sign of vomit, have switched to Kirkland brand dog food and am not spending 20% of my income on dog training and trialing anymore. They will never compare to my son and, even though I used to believe it in the past, they are NOT your children!
So there I was...knocked up by my Mr. E. That's E for excitement! Not E for engagement, then marriage and a long term commitment to co-parenting. Although, there's no denying the last 3 years have been nothing if not exciting. :) The result of all this is that I am contentedly happy with my life as hard and exhausting as it may be. And my little Peanut (as he was labeled in utero because I just couldn't bring myself to say or think the word "baby") is the best damn thing that ever could have happened to this "nevergonnahavekidsdognut"!
I believe I was one of those that would sit with you and swear up and down I wouldn't have kids either. Now I have 3! The Universe/G-d/Mother Nature etc. does not like it when mere humans utter the word never. You get set straight everytime!